Monday, March 31, 2025


North Korea fired two anonymous short-range projectiles – South Korea

The military officials of South Korea said on Monday that North Korea fired two unknown short-range missiles from a region near the coastal city of Wonsan into the sea between Japan and the Korean Peninsula. South Korea’s Joint Chiefs...

President Trump signed COVID-19 relief legislation into law

On Wednesday, Donald Trump, the United States President, has embed Coronavirus relief package into law that allows people to free test against Coronavirus and paid leaves in the case of emergency. Legislatures have proposed a House-Passed bill that was earlier...

Italy Coronavirus one Day Death toll spikes to record 475

The number of coronavirus deaths in Italy risen to a record 475 in a single day, adding total to around 3,000 – the largest increase since the epidemic. There are almost 35,713 overall confirmed cases reported in Italy, whereas...

Amazon to hire one lac additional warehouse & delivery workers

Amazon announces on Monday that it is hiring 1000,000 more warehouse and delivery employees in the United States to deal with the surge in online shopping orders due to the coronavirus outbreak. The e-commerce giant is looking to hire...

Primaries move forward in three big states despite pandemic Coronavirus

The first presidential primaries in three states are going to take place despite spreading fear of Coronavirus. There would be no campaigning, no candidates on sight, and no canvassing. On primary occasion, the governor of Ohio applied an emergency to...

President Donald Trump hits campaign in N.C. due to increasing coronavirus outbreak threat

In Charlotte, North Carolina, President Trump came back on the campaign in another rally on Monday before the super Tuesday, and administration consistently working to reduce the coronavirus threat in the country. Trump’s rally in Bojangles Coliseum indicates his come...

Mom charged with murder due to missing of stepson, Gannon Stauch, Colorado boy

On Monday, Letecia Stauch, the Stepmother of Colorado-11-years-missing-boy-Gannon-Stauch, was caught due to the murder of her son, said by authorities. Stepmother was arrested and taken into charge in South Carolina, United States. On Monday, El-Paso county’s sheriff, Bill Elder, reported...

Adviser to Iran’s top leader dies due to coronavirus, as other supreme officials infected

On Monday, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who was acting as a dominant adviser of Iran, got death due to emerging corona-virus and another leading official in the same territory captured by Corona-Virus, said by several media reports. Corona-virus has also affected...

Historic Agreement Signed By Us And Taliban

On Saturday, after a week's depletion in violence, the Taliban and U.S. have signed an agreement that's about to put back the American's troops from the land of Afghanistan and is a way to end the longest American war. Agreement...

World’s Oldest Man Died At The Age Of 112 In Japan

Japanese, old-man named Chitetsu Watanabe, who was accepted as the world’s oldest man with the age of 112 years and Guinness World Records mentioned his name early this month, died on Sunday in the old people’s home said by...

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It Would Be a Mistake For Israel To Occupy Gaza – President Biden

The United States officials claim that President Biden said the occupation of Gaza by Israeli forces would not be...