Sunday, March 9, 2025


General Motors ready to deliver first batch of ventilators

General Motors (GM) is ready to deliver its first round of ventilators starting Tuesday to the healthcare departments for the novel coronavirus patients, according to the company officials. Last month, GM starting developing ventilators in coordination with Ventec Life...

WeWork sued Softbank for abandoning $3B share acquisition

WeWork is going to take legal action against SoftBank, a Japanese company for bailing on $3 billion share acquisition and accusing the firm of creating lame excuses to withdraw from the plan, as financial pressure soar and the novel...

Joe Tsai, the co-founder of Alibaba, donates masks and ventilators to New York

Joe Tsai, billionaire and co-founder of Alibaba eCommerce Chinese biggest platform, and his wife, Clara Wu Tsai, have decided to support New York by donating 170,000 ventilators and 2.6 million masks due to the pandemic Coronavirus. The whole supply separated...

Apple Donates around 1.9 million COVID-19 masks to New York

On Wednesday, Andrew Cuomo, the Governor of New York, said on his officials Twitter account that Apple donated around 1.9 million masks to the New York state with more on the way to assist in combating the novel coronavirus....

Amazon fired coronavirus strike leader Chris Smalls

Amazon fired the leader of the strike a warehouse worker at Staten Island demanding for more protections for workers amid COVID-19. According to Chris Smalls, a management assistant at the warehouse, the company fired him due to the strike...

Microsoft share ramps up 7% as cloud services see a pickup

On Monday, the market share of Microsoft company ramped up 7 % by serving excellent technology stock just after when the company opened its online services for use. The company got significant gain by offering software that helps the employees...

Can Ultra Violet light kill Novel Coronavirus

Dan Arnold works with UV Light Technology, a firm that provides sterilizing equipment for pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, and food manufacturers all over the United Kingdom. Recently, after the worldwide unexpected high concern of the novel coronavirus, he found himself...

Apple releases new Coronavirus App & Website with alliance of CDC

On Saturday, Apple released a new screening iOS app, and a website for the users to screen their health status for COVID-19 symptoms, a sensational move by a major tech company. Both tools developed by Apple in collaboration with...

Latest tech being used against Coronavirus epidemic

As the whole world is stressed about the novel Coronavirus outbreak and every country’s priority is to tear down the intensity of the virus by imposing lockdowns and creating social distancing. The epidemic has raised the burden on the...

Dyson Develops Medical ventilators for National Health Service

The firm Dyson announced to develop an innovative medical ventilator for the National Health Service (NHS) system of the U.K. to combat coronavirus. British inventor Sir James Dyson is the owner of the firm, and he intends to do...

Latest News

It Would Be a Mistake For Israel To Occupy Gaza – President Biden

The United States officials claim that President Biden said the occupation of Gaza by Israeli forces would not be...