Nearly 300,000 followers have registered for tickets to U.S President Trump’s first planned Rally since U.S states started struggles to reopen activities after facing many weeks shutdown guidelines due to blowout of the pandemic Coronavirus, according to Trump campaign.
On Friday, Brand Parscale, manager of Trump campaign, tweeted about the number for 19 June event with 19,000-seats at BOK Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

He tweeted that President Trump #MAGA rally in Tulsa is the hottest ticket ever and more than 200k tickets already, and it isn’t even political season. He added that seeing on the second occasion in town to contain more persons to be w/ @realDoanldTrump, and it’s going to be GREAT in the most open states in the country! Register.
Correction now 300,000! Going to be epic!
— Brad Parscale (@parscale) June 12, 2020
This Rally is going to be the first Rally of President Trump in weeks. People, who have applied for Rally, must be required to sign a waiver releasing President Trump’s campaign from the responsibility of possible exposure to COVID-19.

A disclaimer says that by joining the Rally, you and any visitor voluntarily assume all dangers to exposure to Coronavirus and agree not to hold Donald John Trump for the President, ASM Global, Inc. BOK Center, or any other affiliates, agents, directors, contractors, employees, or volunteers liable for any kind of injury or illness.
On Friday, Hillary Clinton tweeted that if your rallies arrive with a liability waiver, then you should not be holding them.
In a statement, Kevin Stitt, a Republican, Gov. of Oklahoma, said that the President’s tour assures the state is the national example in responsibility reopening.
Excited to welcome President @realDonaldTrump to Oklahoma!
— Governor Kevin Stitt (@GovStitt) June 11, 2020
Highest COVID-19 cases recorded in Oklahoma
The number of Coronavirus-confirmed cases in Oklahoma state rose 222 in the last twenty-four hours, and state’s officials have described on Friday that this has been the biggest increase since the start of the pandemic in the state.
The CDC (Centers for Disease Control & Prevention) uncovered a set of restrictions and guidelines on Friday, about how to reduce the daily risk of contracting the Coronavirus as maximum states and communities are on the way to reopen daily life.
The risk of getting a virus is directly proportional to gathering as gatherings increase risk increases. Furthermore, in bigger gatherings, it is very tough to practice guidelines and social distancing.
In a Friday’s call with news reporters, Jay Butler, the CDC’s Dr., said that the staging and participating in such gatherings should be possible in accordance with what health officials are advising because maximum COVID-19 is blowing out in particular communities.