Trump to get Hispanic support for his electioon by making a conference call

Trump to get Hispanic support for his electioon by making a conference call

On Wednesday, the United States President, Donald Trump settled a White House conference call with Hispanic leaders and apparently focusing on the pandemic Coronavirus by highlighting how essential it is for them to back him on the day of Election, reported by a media outlet.

The conference call was huge-ranging and also talking about those problems that are linked to Latin America and a bailout bundle for states, the PPP (Paycheck Protection Program), and even the frequent use of hydroxychloroquine. Moreover, the President also took the option of an executive order for Latin business holders and what it would require to get the economy.

President Donald Trump showed no focused commitments, reported by the participants of the meeting. Furthermore, many were on the line, but two members of that meeting have said that the asked questions, including comments, were significantly made by supporters.

CEO of LULAC (League of United Latin American Citizens), Sindy Benavides told that the call was totally covered with individuals who were ready and had a prepared list of President Trump’s followers, who didn’t show a single question to the US President. And it was feeling like a rally call as we move into 3 November. Besides this, President Trump had mentioned 3 November several times.Trump uses coronavirus call to rally Hispanic support for his reelection

President Trump had won around twenty-eight percent of the Latino votes for the year 2016, reported by CNN exit polling.

However, Benavides continued that the President directly asked them the significant thing that people can do is vote for Trump and attain Hispanics to the ballot, or we are all moving to get into a huge depression.

LULAC opposed Trump’s policies

It wasn’t the first time when LULAC opposed President Trump’s rules or policies, it already had many times disagreed with the President’s policies, and in previous months, they have focused on the lack of protection at the meatpacking employees factory by the federal government. In those workers, several of them were immigrants.

In the United States, due to the pandemic Coronavirus, Latino Community drastically affected at a financial standpoint and health one. Moreover, in New York City, Chicago, and even in the state of California, Latino communities are badly dealing with COVID-19 and also dying form that outbreak at a very high rate as compared to their population in America.

The President answered by describing that he might approve an executive order on that matter, said by Cavazos.