American Supreme Court has nulled an unprecedented effort to discard election results in 4 battlefield states that was supported by President Trump.
This week, the case filed by the Texas state, wanted to overturn the outcomes in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Georgia. Although, Joe Biden (the President-elect) got victory over all those states.
The case was backed by 106 Republican members of Congress and eighteen attorneys general. But on Friday, in a brief order refusing the bid, the court said that Texas state didn’t attain legal standing to catch the case.
This week, the Supreme Court banned an individual legal encounter against the President-elect Joe Biden’s success in Pennsylvania by rejecting it in one hearing.
Since the election, President Trump along with his millions of followers have proposed the number of claims while questioning the election outcomes.
Biden acquired 7 million more votes than Trump
Joe Biden, the presidential candidate, who has beaten President Trump by acquiring 306 electoral votes, which in turn selects the president of the United States. Moreover, the President-elect even attained 7 million more ballots than his opponent Trump all across the country.

Source: Web
On Monday, the formal transition is going to happen which will make Joe Biden as the forty-sixth president of America.
As expected by most of the experts, the United States Supreme Court didn’t require anything to do with Texas’ claims to the results of the presidential race of 2020. Furthermore, it is pretty clear that more than ninety percent paths are closed for President Donald Trump. Besides this, all the hurdles, from Trump supporters to stop Biden, are nulled now.
The legal challenge of Texas
On Tuesday, the case was filed by Ken Paxton (the Republican Attorney-General of Texas and an ally of President Trump). Furthermore, it was backed by Trump, who filed a motion to interfere.
The legal challenge of Texas was to reject the results of 2020 elections in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, four key states in which Biden got the victory.
Texas state claimed that the outcomes in those US states were unauthentic or incorrect because of changes to vote casting method to aid American people to cast their votes during the pandemic COVID-19.
The filed lawsuit of Paxton requested the United States Supreme Court to permit the senators of the state, which are under Republicans, to examine who would get their electoral votes.