A significant change in people’s thinking on police restructuring due to fourteen days of consistent protests from coast to coast against the United States police racism and brutality over George Floyd killing.
The horrible viral video of George Floyd killing by Minneapolis police has encouraged the kind soul people about police action in systemic racism while dealing with criminals, and that incentive has been boosted by several advocates for decades. All across the United States, including many cities and even Washington, political figures are starting to listen.
Fourteen days of protests from coast to coast against police brutality and racism have produced a wave of change in public opinion on police reform https://t.co/tVqMrGnuwc
— CNN (@CNN) June 10, 2020
Police reforms are crucial now
Although a unique bipartisan agreement came to that police reform will be crucial to reply to that emerging wave.
Now people in purple states such as Wisconsin, lawmakers in Washington, and Republican officials in red states such as Texas are scrambling to look responsive to the wave, which is calling for change.
In response to George Floy protests, democrats have demonstrated a comprehensive police restructuring bill on Monday. Moreover, congressional Republicans in Senate and the House described that they decided to announce their own restructuring proposal by Tuesday.

Kevin McCarthy, the House Republican leader, said that he would be going to support some provisions in the bill, proposed by Democrats related to police training to federal funds, which would make it easier to eliminate cops who alleged with misbehavior and a provision to avert cops from moving city to city in a struggle to escape previous misconduct accusation.
McCarthy said to the Los Angeles Times that he wants to work and see that we get a law, and that’s a moment in time. He added that that’s the moment where you must find where you can come together.
George Floyd grew up in Texas, and Greg Abbott, Republican Gov. of the state, seemed to go further. While talking to news reporters, outside of George Floyd’s memorial in Houston, directly connected to change the matter of racism.
Greg Abbot said that he promised his family that he would incorporate and use their family in these negotiations, of the discussions that are linked to pathway forward wouldn’t be taken over by politicians and even headed by family members that would be led by victims and that will further he led by people who have faced because of the racism issue in the state and country too. He continued that other activities are being operated on to ensure that we will not cops brutality, such as what happened to a black person, George Floyd.