On Wednesday, the President of America urged the U.S. Congress to pass additional 22B dollars in emergency funding to help continue the battle against the deadly coronavirus pandemic, as he got a 2nd booster shot of the m-RNA jab manufactured by Pfizer and BioNTech, a day after federal health regulators authorized a 4th COVID-19 dose for Americans 50-year-olds and up.
President Joe Biden spoke as his government rolled out the new website “COVID.gov” which is designed to be a one-stop to offer Americans access to coronavirus tests, treatments, face masks, and vaccines. He requested policymakers to secure additional funds now to make sure a continued supply of the pandemic recovery tools. Warning of shortages of COVID-19 tests, and vaccines, he said: Congress, US needs additional supply immediately. This is not partisan; it is medicine.
But Senate GOPs hesitate to set aside more funding, saying they wanted a full accounting of previous money, and Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives later rejected a plan to repurpose spending already promised to states.
In addition, the ‘COVID.gov’ website, which consolidates hard work launched formerly, like vaccines.gov and covidtests.gov, includes information on local virus transmission, direction on travel rules and limitations, and a new tool to help US people locate spots to get immediate antiviral medications if they’ve the deadly disease.
We’re launching https://t.co/fk7dyHLC9L today, a single site where you can find your second booster, or order free tests, or find out where you can go “test to treat:” get tested, and if positive, immediately get medicine to treat your case of COVID. Check it out:
— Ronald Klain (@WHCOS) March 30, 2022
Joe Biden Receives Second Booster Dose
Moreover, the US President got the initial two shots of the COVID-19 jab shortly before assuming office on January 20, 2021, and a third dose – the first booster dose – in September. The second booster – the fourth overall – shot was administered by a member of the WHMU (White House Medical Unit). Biden said that it did not hurt a bit.
The second booster shot is meant to boost the immune response of the body against the lethal virus in people most susceptible to SARS-CoV-2, which has taken the lives of over 979869 Americans, according to Johns Hopkins University data.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Tuesday smoothed the path for additional doses for Americans ages 50 and up. And these individuals can receive the fourth overall vaccine injection at least 4-months apart from their last immunization. In addition, severely immunosuppressed patients, like recipients of an organ transplant, as young as twelve-years, are also eligible.
Furthermore, noting the likelihood that health regulators will authorize the 4th shot for all US people, Joe Biden cautioned that they’ve enough supply to offer booster doses, but if the United States Congress fails to perform, the US wouldn’t have the supplies needed in Fall 2022.

Source: Web
Chuck Schumer, the United States Majority Leader, and Utah’s Senator Mitt Romney have been in a conversation in anticipation of reviving the coronavirus relief package. If a deal comes, participants say they hope it to be similar to the 15.6B dollars bilateral version that leaders of the Congress crafted earlier in March. The initial agreement collapsed after rank-and-file members of the US incumbent party protested against decreases in unspent COVID-19 pandemic assistance for states that would’ve helped pay for that.