Right after Rand Paul (R-Ky) slammed Doctor Anthony Fauci in a Senate meeting on the gain of function study, the WIV (Wuhan Institute of Virology) funding, Dr. Fauci silently gave some wondering admissions to Politifact.
First of all, Fauci accepted that he is not convinced Coronavirus developed naturally, and secondly, maybe equally frighteningly, he accepted that the United States linked with and assisted fund Beijing’s researchers and scientists on examining COVID-19.
In an online event known as ‘United Facts of America: A Festival of Fact-Checking,’ Dr. Anthony Fauci described to Katie Sanders at Politifact that no, he is not convinced that (Coronavirus developed naturally).
He further explained that he thinks they should continue to examine what went on in China until they continue to seek out the best of their ability what occurred. He added that the people who examined that describe it likely was the arrival from an animal reservoir that then infected individuals, but there could have been anything else, and they require to seek that out.

Source: Web
Fauci is in favor of investigation
Fauci continued that that’s the main reason why he said he is perfectly in favor of any examination or investigation that looks into the origin of the Coronavirus.
Rand Paul criticized Dr. Anthony Fauci on whether America assisted fund and research COVID-19 with China, and Dr. Fauci accepted that, proposing it will be careless to not have performed it. Fauci said that no actually, that’s the point that he said. Moreover, he thinks the real unlucky aspect of what Senator Rand Paul did he is mixing in a cooperative way with Beijing’s experts and scientists, that is you nearly have to say, if they didn’t do that, they would nearly be careless, because SARS CoV 1 evidently emerged from China and they were fortunate to escape a primary pandemic.
Fauci said that they really had to learn much more about these viruses that were emerged. And about whether or not the population was getting sick or infected with bat viruses.
Rand Paul proposed that Dr. Fauci was assisting fund’ gain of function research’ which he eventually rejected, but he conflated Rand Paul’s questions ‘on the gain of fiction’ to propose America had no part, or backing, in investigating COVID-19 infections with Chinese experts and scientists, which Dr. Fauci just accepted to above.