The American President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden visited the Hawaiian island Maui which is under a devastating fire that killed almost 114 people. Biden told the survivors that the whole nation would stand with them in this tremendous suffering and feel the pain. He also assured the federal assistance for the damaged region for as long as required. The fire on Hawaiian island is considered the worst fire state has gone through in over a century. Biden took a tour of the damaged area after 13 days after the deadly fire ignited and devastated the western part of the island.
While standing near a 150-year-old banyan burned but still standing tree, President said Maui would recover from the tragedy. Biden said Maui would survive the deadly fire just like the old tree did. Mr. President and the first lady closely observed the devastation caused by the flames. It is a colossal damage where only burnt houses, ruined cars, and dried trees are seen, and signs of deadly blazes are everywhere.
After arriving at Kahului Airport, the Bidens took a moment to console Hawaii Governor Josh Green, his wife, Jaime Green, and members of Hawaii’s congressional delegation who came to greet them. They stayed briefly on the tarmac, hugging each of their greeters before boarding Marine One. The President and first lady then went on an aerial tour to witness the devastation caused by the fires.
Bidens Says The Nation Stands With The Affected
During their visit, they primarily spent time in Lahaina, a historic town with a population of 13,000. Unfortunately, most of the town was destroyed by the recent flames. The Bidens’ vehicles passed through the community and went through block after block of homes and structures that were hollowed out by the fire. Only shells remained from the houses and cars. The palm trees were burned to a crisp, and endless trash was scattered throughout the area.
President met with the rescue workers and took information from the officials about the current situation and ongoing operation. They also took part in a blessing by the island elders of their visit. The Bidens cut short their week-long vacation in the Lake Tahoe area to take a five-hour flight to Lahaina. Bidens took an aerial tour of the devastated areas and described the disaster as overwhelming. Mr. Biden talked for almost 10 minutes, saying the whole country would stand with the affectees.

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Biden was on holiday and faced massive criticism from the Republicans for being on a relaxing trip when a big area was under fire. The White House expressed that the President delayed his trip to Hawaii as he didn’t want to distract the recovery operations. White House further stated that Mr. Biden has temporarily left his vacation home at Lake Tahoe in Nevada, which is being rented from a Democratic donor, to travel to Hawaii. President Biden recently refused to comment on the Maui fire and Hawaiians when he was questioned on the 13th of August about the number of people dying amid the deadly blaze.
It can Take Months Or Years To Find & Identify Victims, Experts
On 10 August, Biden released a detailed declaration about the federal funds and assistance package to the affected area. The Federal Emergency and Management Agency expressed that more than 1000 Federal rescue workers were actively operating in Hawaii regions. Local officers are also facing hate remarks. Maui’s disaster management collapsed as it failed to respond timely and activate the alarm system to alert about the ignite of fire, and its chief resigned last week.