The current administration (Biden administration) is forming a task force to monitor the federal govt’s scientific rules and regulations to make sure that they don’t have any disturbing political influence when many top medical officials of Trump openly confess that they dealt with political pressure while performing their tasks amid COVID-19 pandemic.
On Monday, in a letter to agencies, the White House Office Science & Technology Policy described that it will create an interagency team to monitor federal govt policies to ensure they ‘prevent any inappropriate political interference’ from disturbing research and data. The letter further said that the team intends to stop the distortion of technological or scientific findings.
Biden prioritized things to assist scientists
The letter described that Joe Biden, the U.S. President, arranges things in proper order to support researchers and scientists as they do perform their tasks.
A spokeswoman for the White House Science Office, Julia Krieger said that OSTP’s team is going to take a whole of government, forward-looking monitoring of science across federal agencies, in part by checking exercises that were antithetical to the mission during the past four years, including Donald Trump-era rules and regulations that eschewed scientific integrity in favor of policies.

Source: Web
Besides this, an administration official stated that the review is not about Donald Trump’s maneuvers to disturb scientific decisions. It is just about protecting science in the federal govt moving forward.
The news of the formation of the task force was initially reported by a media outlet, The New York Times, which described that the incoming examination shows that the first step in what administration officials described as a sweeping struggle to remake a demoralized federal task force.
Officials felt political pressure
The review of the science policies is also marked as an early example of the current administration’s promise to science and govt accountability, and the action comes when many Trump administration regulators have said that they had political pressure while performing their tasks during the pandemic.
One of those regulators is Robert Redfield (the former director of CDC), who described to Sanjay Gupta (CNN’s anchor) that he felt pressured while doing his work to change the CDC’s Mortality and Morbidity Weekly Report (the agency’s published roundup of main research and recommendations.
He said that the challenges he had faced with the Secretary’s office, and he thinks some of them were most notable, that he was the most offended by, was the calls that wanted him to pressure and change the MMWR.