Melania Trump confirms Barron Trump’s infection of Coronavirus

First Lady confirms Barron Trump's infection of COVID-19
President Donald Trump with his son, Barron Trump, Source: Web

On the White House website, Melania Trump (First Lady) published a personal essay briefing her Coronavirus experience, which she confirmed around two weeks ago. Moreover, she also shared that Barron Trump (her son), who the White House said at the time, had tested negative for COVID-19, finally, Barron tested positive for Coronavirus, a diagnosis not shared by the White House.

Barron’s COVID-19 test turned positive

Melania Trump now tested negative for COVID-19, according to her doctor. She posted that naturally, her mind went to their son. Initially, Trump’s son tested negative for the virus as his parents contracted COVID-19. But the boy again tested and got positive result for the virus. President Trump describes that Barron had no symptoms and now got positive result for the virus.

On Wednesday, President Trump said to news reporters that his son is doing fine as asked how Barron Trump was doing in the wake of the essay written by Melania Trump. Latterly, President Trump called him ‘free’ and ‘beautiful’ at a rally on Wednesday in Iowa.

However, the President described that Barron had it for a small time period. He added that he doesn’t even think Barron knew he had it, because they are young, and even their immune systems are strong, and they fight it off 99.9 percent, and Barron is beautiful, and he is free.

Melania Trump confirms Barron Trump's infection of Coronavirus
Barron Trump tested positive for COVID-19,
Source: Web

Melania Trump described in the published essay that they were minimal, although they hit her all at once, and it looked to be roller coaster of symptoms in the days after. She continued that she had cough, body aches, headaches, and she was extremely tired.

Melania didn’t go to the hospital

Stephanie Grisham, Melania’s spokeswoman, told a media company, CNN, that Melania Trump, unlike her husband, didn’t go to the medical center for the treatment and remained isolated at her residence.

President Trump, similarly, said that Melania didn’t choose the same treatment as he opted. She described that she followed a more natural way and go with healthy food and vitamins and not on massive amount of medications.

Melania Trump taped several PSAs about covering face with masks while President Trump was still violating their use, she has even completed professional appearances without wearing masks, including the first event of the presidential debate. During the RNC (Republican National Convention), Melania Trump also gave a Rose Garden speech full of audience.