On Sunday, America has celebrated its Independence Day (marking its 245th anniversary), and this time a symbolic renewal of several families and people revels that had been avoided for above a year by pandemic Coronavirus limitations.
The pair, Joe Biden (American President) and Jill Biden (First Lady) have hosted one thousand military personnel and first responders to the White House for celebration and a barbecue picnic and also a prime view of the Independence Day fireworks show at National Mall.
In New York, around sixty-five thousand fireworks shells were set onto 5 barges to ignite at nightfall. Small and large communities across the nation decorated and enjoyed their own celebrations and parades with fireworks placed to close out the day.
Most of the people hosted their family gatherings and backyard picnics and got together with their loved ones and friends. Many people decided to visit their relatives that they had not visited since the inception of the pandemic Coronavirus in March 2020.

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Airports jammed due to massive traveling across the country
Most of the airports went congested with travelers. The AAA (American Automobile Association) explained 4 July road journey was likely to be dense ever for a holiday, with a projected 43.6 million US people starting their journeys to be with their families, relatives, and friends.
America didn’t achieve Joe Biden’s goal of seventy percent of the nation’s population inoculated with at least one COVID-19 vaccine shot at the time of holiday celebration, but it comes close at 67.1 percent, which we assume success for Biden’s mission.
American health regulators are still stressing American adults to get inoculated, albeit young people and those residing in states that opted for Joe Biden’s predecessor, Trump, in earlier November’s presidential election demonstrating the most hesitant to get inoculated.
Earlier week, the United States Homeland Security agency threatened local and state police about the possible danger of violence by local violent groups because of the holiday weekend, but Independence Day passed peacefully.
The nation’s founders describe in the Declaration of Independence that they hold these truths to be self-evident, that everyone is created equal, that they are gifted by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Liberty, Life, and the pursuit of Happiness. But females weren’t treated equally, and several of the creators of the declaration were slaveholders who didn’t see slaves as equal with rights.