Joe Biden, American President, said that Vladimir Putin (Russian President) is going to pay after an American intelligence report that connected Russia to an influence campaign that intended to swing the 2020 American election for Donald Trump.
The intelligence report, which was pushed by the Office of the DNI (Director of National Intelligence) on Tuesday, said that Russia intended to push influence narratives that added unsubstantiated or false claims against President Joe Biden to American officials, media agencies, and top U.S. individuals, including a few close to Donald Trump (former President) and his administration.
The report also suggested that the Russian President was aware and perhaps ordered the campaign to weak Joe Biden and encourage Donald Trump. Moreover, the United States intelligence had already mentioned that Moscow agents had intended to interfere in the 2016 election with the help of hacking and influence campaign.
Biden warned Russian President Putin
On Wednesday, during an interview with ABC News, President Joe Biden described that he had threatened Vladimir Putin, there would be consequences to any reported interruption.
President Biden described to George Stephanopoulos (the interviewer) that he will pay the price. He added we had a long conversation, Vladimir and I, when we, I know him relatively well. He said the talk started, I said, you know me, and I know you. Biden continued that if I establish this happened, then be prepared.

Source: Web
Imposing further sanctions on Moscow
President Joe Biden didn’t explain on what consequences Vladimir Putin would deal with regarding the election meddling intelligence report, albeit the United States is likely to apply more sanctions on Russia, allegedly as early as the upcoming week.
Earlier this month, America has previously applied sanctions on 4 Russian regulators because of Russia’s imprisonment and the poisoning of Alexey Navalny (opposition politician), in what Russia has cast as an intolerable interference in its personal affairs.
On Wednesday, the American commerce department explained that it was also stiffening sanctions on a few exports to Moscow in reaction to the March 2018 poisoning of Sergei Skripal (former Russian military intelligence officer) and his daughter in Salisbury through a military-grade nerve agent. But Russian authorities rejected involvement in both assaults.
The Kremlin said, on Wednesday, that the American intelligence report on Russian election interruption has absolutely no evidence and foundation and threatened that more sanctions would affect America-Russia relations.