Seasonal allergies (like flue) and Coronavirus held many common symptoms that can ramp up difficulties for school children as well as their parents when they come back to attend study sessions in the classroom. To deal with this problem and to generate the difference between these two, the CDC (Centers for Disease Control & Prevention) gave few directions as the education system is going to begin.
Coronavirus symptoms vs Allergies: How to tell the difference as school starts.
— Jennifer Wider, MD (@DrWider) August 31, 2020
A physician, Dr. Fred Davis, at Northwell Health Long Island Jewish medical center on Long Island, described to a media company, Fox News, that it could be hard to distinguish allergies from Coronavirus, especially when both diseases can be prevalent at the same period of the year such as it can be this fall.
The key difference between the Coronavirus and seasonal allergies
Many health experts and the CDC described that 1 key difference between seasonal allergies and COVID-19 is that a fever mostly happens with the Coronavirus and not seasonal allergies.
The associate of emergency medicine, Davis, said that both can cause a runny nose, congestion, and cough. The primary difference between them is fever, people with symptoms from seasonal allergies tend not to have a fever; on the other side, people with Coronavirus will tell to have a temperature above 100.4.

Furthermore, sneezing, watery eyes, and itchy are indications normally linked with seasonal allergies and not with COVID-19. Besides this, the federal health agency said that Coronavirus symptoms that do not usually occur with seasonal allergies such as muscle aches and chills, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, fever, and sudden loss of smell and taste senses.
Also, there are many common symptoms that could increase worries in parents when their kids return go to school. Fatigue, sore throat, cough, runny nose, congestion, and headache, are few similarities, according to CDC. Although breathing problems and shortness of breath is linked to Coronavirus infection. These same symptoms could even happen when people have underlying respiratory situations, including asthma or any severe allergy, which may need medical care.
Any of the people, if they are uncertain about themselves as well as families and thinking that you may have COVID-19 infection, then you must get tested, inform the school and obey guidance provided by the CDC to stop the blow out of the COVID-19, the CDC described. Moreover, in case if your kids are dealing with any breathing difficulty, then quickly find medical help.