Joe Biden (the United States President) and Vladimir Putin (Russian President) have winded up their Geneva conference, and Biden mentioned it as positive and good.
Biden additionally defined that the meeting in a realistic tone, describing that the incoming several months are going to be served as a trial of whether the link between the two nations can get progress.
During a news conference after Biden’s more than 3 hours summit with Vladimir Putin, Joe Biden described that he is not sitting here saying because Vladimir Putin and he agreed that they would do these things that suddenly it is going to work. He added that he is not saying that.
American President Biden explained that what he is saying is, he thinks there is an honest prospect to greatly improve the link between their two nations, without them giving up a solitary, single thing based on principle and their values.
The summit was constructive
In the news release after the Putin meeting, he spoke through a translator, even defined the summit as constructive. Moreover, he described that there were no hostilities, calling American President a well-balanced, constructive person and an experienced politician.

Source: Web
After the meeting, both the Kremlin and the White House aired the same statements, nothing that even in phases of tension, both nations have shown that they are able to ramp up progress on mutual goals of ensuring predictability in the planned circle, decreasing the threat of armed skirmishes and the risk of nuclear war.
Both countries’ leaders explained that they will start discussions on tactical stability to handle relations between them. Vladimir Putin, in a news conference, said that as nuclear powers, Russia and the United States have a notable responsibility to manage relations.
The Kremlin and the White House statements described that the recent extension of the New START agreement demonstrates their promise to nuclear weapons control. The statements further explained that today, they reaffirm the principle that a nuclear war can’t be won and must never be clashed.
The statement added that consistent with these aims, Russia and the U.S. will start together on a joined bilateral Strategic Stability Dialogue in the future that is going to be robust and deliberate. The statement said that through this Dialogue, they seek to lay the groundwork for arms control and threat reduction measures.