On Tuesday, Antony Blinken, the United States Secretary of State, said America still believes a getting back to the JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) is the best way with the Islamic Republic of Iran amid a protracted impasse in discussions.
In spite of an apparent standoff in nuclear discussions to restore the 2015 Iran Nuclear Accord, Mr. Blinken has defended attempts to restore the deal against criticism by members of Congress, underlining that a return to the JCPOA would curb Iran’s nuclear ambitions. On April 26, testifying at the U.S. Senate, the US State Secretary told the legislators that the multilateral agreement flourished in restricting Tehran’s production of main components of atomic weapons – until the Trump government pulled America out of the Accord.
Antony Blinken said that they continue to believe returning into compliance with the Iran Accord would be the best path to address deal with the nuclear threat challenge posed by Tehran and to ensure that Tehran that’s already performing with unbelievable aggression does not have an atomic weapon or the capability to develop one on short notice.
Furthermore, the Chair of the U.S. Senate Standing Committee on Foreign Relations, Bob Menendez, a Democrat, Ranking Member James E. Risch, a GOP, had grilled the US State Secretary about what they described as the deal restrictions, which didn’t challenge Tehran’s ballistic missile program. The top Republican on the panel told Antony Blinken that no deal is superior to a bad deal; he would encourage him to move forward from the discussions.
‘maximum pressure campaign’
Iranian and American top officials have been discussing indirectly in Austria for over a year to restore the Iran Nuclear Deal; an agreement on the Iranian atomic program reached in Vienna, Austria, in 2015, between Iran and the P5+1 and the EU, formally known as JCPOA.
Donald Trump, the ex-US President, pulled the US out of the Accord in 2018 and unleashed a maximum pressure drive of consequences against Tehran. Sequentially, Tehran has been becoming relaxed to its vows to the deal and forwarding its atomic program.

Source: Web
In mid-April last year, then-head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI), Ali Akbar Salehi, said Iran had started sixty percent uranium enrichment; getting almost one-third an ounce per hour, at Natanz Enrichment Complex, days after an explosion at the location that Iran blamed of Israel.
Read Also: Tehran Urges West Powers to be ‘realistic’ in Nuclear Negotiations